Peste 4M de clienți extrem de mulțumiți
Garanția Celui Mai Bun Preț

Parking General T2 AENA Barcelona Airport

4,2 / 5 (1129)


  • Măsuri anti COVID Măsuri anti COVID
  • Parcare Auto Asigurată Parcare Auto Asigurată
  • Camere de supraveghere Camere de supraveghere
  • Intrare cu barieră Intrare cu barieră
  • 24 de ore 24 de ore
  • Fără plată în avans Fără plată în avans
  • Gard împrejmuitor Gard împrejmuitor
  • Securizat Securizat
  • Din beton Din beton
  • Păstraţi cheile maşinii Păstraţi cheile maşinii

Barcelona Airport Official car park, next to Terminal 2, open 24h, with open air and undercover spaces.


On entering the car park:

Take a ticket as you enter the car park.

IMPORTANT: Please, wait in front of the barrier until the Automatic Number Plate Recognition recognises your vehicle and a ticket will be issued automatically. YOU MUST NOT PRESS THE BUTTON. If you press the button, the ATM will charge you the normal price and not the reservation price.

Proceed into the car park and park your car in any available parking space.

On your return:

When you return to the car park, please go to the ATMs to make the payment. If you have any problems, please use the Customer Service integrated in the ATMs. Amount calculated based on the stay booked. If the actual stay of the vehicle is different, this amount may vary.

The 5 digit alphanumeric code in the top right corner of your voucher may be required by AENA staff in order to manage the arrivals and departures to and from the car park.

Harta parcării auto

Ce spun clienții noștri despre parcarea de la Parking General T2 AENA Barcelona Airport .

Evaluată cu 4,2 din 5 pe baza a 1129 recenzii de la clienții care au rezervat la Parking General T2 AENA Barcelona Airport cu noi.

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