Peste 4M de clienți extrem de mulțumiți
Garanția Celui Mai Bun Preț

Park and Fly Barcelona Airport -Shuttle

4,5 / 5 (4604)


  • Măsuri anti COVID Măsuri anti COVID
  • Parcare Auto Asigurată Parcare Auto Asigurată
  • Transfer cu autobuzul Transfer cu autobuzul
  • Transferuri gratuite Transferuri gratuite
  • 24 de ore 24 de ore
  • Gard împrejmuitor Gard împrejmuitor
  • Securizat Securizat


Transfer Duration

5 - 8 mins

Transfer Frequency

On demand

Secure car park with Shuttle Bus Service (7 people maximum) to Barcelona-El Prat Airport and open 24 hours.

Drive directly to the car park and park your vehicle. The parking staff will transfer you to the terminal from which your flight departs. Upon your return, call the parking staff to report your arrival. The company vehicle will pick you up at the airport to transfer you to the car park.

If you are travelling from BARCELONA - Merge onto the Castelldefels C-31 motorway, take exit: VILADECANS - LES FILIPINES.

If you are traveling from CASTELLDEFELS - Merge onto the Castelldefels C31 motorway and after passing the "3 Estrellas" campsite, take exit VILADECANS - LES FILIPINES. At the first roundabout take the third exit towards Viladecans. At the second roundabout take the third exit (Via de servei) towards Nauticaravan.


* Remember to arrive early enough, 1:30h before your flight check-in.

* If your vehicle exceeds 4.90 meters, the price will be 13 € / day. Motorhomes / camper vans will pay € 17 / day. (You must specify this when making your reservation).

* Our vans are not wheelchair accessible.

* You must leave the keys of your vehicle.

Harta parcării auto

Ce spun clienții noștri despre parcarea de la Park and Fly Barcelona Airport -Shuttle.

Evaluată cu 4,5 din 5 pe baza a 4604 recenzii de la clienții care au rezervat la Park and Fly Barcelona Airport -Shuttle cu noi.

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