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Silver Airport Parking - Park & Ride - Openair - Keep Keys

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Silver Airport Parking - Park & Ride - Openair - Keep Keys logo

Low cost and secure parking with CCTV and alarm system, free shuttle service at only 4 minutes from the airport. 24/7 opening time


Low Cost and secure airport parking solution at just 4 minutes from Liszt Ferenc International Airport;

Car park with Camera surveillance system and alarm system, free shuttle service service that runs 24/7, will take you to the airport in only 4 minutes.

  • Opening Hours - 24/7
  • Shuttle - On Demand, 4 mins
  • Keys - Take your car keys with you

Onsite: WIFI, Free Coffee and refreshment area, restroom and standard WCs

Guests have at their disposal a lobby/waiting room, our free minibus that runs around the clock without waiting, Wi-Fi, washroom and coffee maker.

Additional Information

This car park does not accept oversized vehicles.

The shuttle holds a maximum of 7 passengers


Dobićete vaučer za rezervaciju koji sadrži adresu parkinga i telefonski broj, zajedno sa svim relevantnim uputstvima i smernicama, nakon što potvrdite svoju rezervaciju. To view the location of the car park, please see the map on the website.


  • Осигурани паркингОсигурани паркинг
  • ОградаОграда
  • Улаз са рампомУлаз са рампом
  • Ноћна патролаНоћна патрола
  • 24 caта24 caта
  • БезбедноБезбедно
  • Задржите кључеве од возилаЗадржите кључеве од возила


4 мин

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