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Hispania Repteri Parkolo Budapest Airport

Датум предаје возила
Датум подизања возила
Hispania Repteri Parkolo Budapest Airport logo

The car park is CCTV monitored, offering free transfer and Meet Greet service on demand. Buses and caravans can also be parked in the outdoor secured, insured and gravelled car park. The shuttle bus is available on demand and can carry large sized luggage. The car park has exceptionally low prices for long term parking. An online deposit is required for booking.

Hispania Reptéri Parkoló provides parking in a secure off-airport compound with a security guard on site and seven CCTV cameras in operation at all times. The fenced, open-air car park is located only 2 km from the airport

Meet Greet:

The Meet Greet service is very convenient and quick! A designated driver from the car park will meet you at the airport terminal, and take charge of your car. After a quick inspection of your vehicle you can head to the check-in, while the driver drives your car into the car park. When you come back, the driver will wait for you at the airport with your car, thus avoiding time spent on parking.

Transfer Service:

  • The return transfers take place in air-conditioned minibuses and the service is on demand with minimal waiting times. The courteous and professional staff are happy to assist you with your luggage and will answer any queries you may have.
  • On the day of your departure please drive directly to the car park. Upon your arrival at the car park, staff will carry out a vehicle check and issue you with a receipt for your car so you have peace of mind that no unauthorised person can pick up your car. In addition, your car will be photographed. Any photographs and video recordings will be kept for 30 days from the time when you have left the car park and will then be destroyed.
    The arrival procedure takes around 10 minutes. Staff will assist you with your luggage and you are then transferred to the airport. The transfer takes between 5 and 10 minutes, depending on the traffic.
    You don't have to leave your car keys at the car park. Your car will only be moved in an unforeseen event such as fire or a natural disaster. The car park is insured as well, so rest assured that your car is in good hands.
  • On your return to Budapest airport and after you have collected your luggage, please call the car park on the number listed in your booking voucher. The minibus will then be sent to the airport to pick you up and take you back to the car park. Please present the receipt that you were given on your arrival. You will then be asked to pay the car parking fees. The car park accepts cash and card payments. An exit inspection of your vehicle will be carried out, after which you are ready to commence your journey home!
  • Hispania Reptéri Parkoló also offers you the possibility of having your car washed whilst you are away. Please speak to a member of staff on arrival or indicate your preference in the 'Special request' field on the booking form.

Making a reservation online is quick and easy!

In order to obtain a free, no obligation quote, please enter the dates and times for dropping off and collecting your car in the booking engine above. Click on 'Check availability' and you will receive a quote. If you are happy to go ahead please click 'Book' and fill in the booking form as required. After you have completed your reservation, you will receive an email confirmation containing the booking voucher and the car park's address, telephone number, directions and GPS coordinates. Your space is then guaranteed, even during high season.


Dobićete vaučer za rezervaciju koji sadrži adresu parkinga i telefonski broj, zajedno sa svim relevantnim uputstvima i smernicama, nakon što potvrdite svoju rezervaciju. To view the location of the car park, please see the map on the website.


  • Бесплатни трансферБесплатни трансфер
  • Провера стања возила Провера стања возила
  • БезбедноБезбедно
  • Појединачн превозПојединачн превоз
  • ОградаОграда
  • Осигурани паркингОсигурани паркинг
  • Дечја седиштаДечја седишта
  • 24 caта24 caта
  • Шатл бусШатл бус
  • Anti-Covid MeasuresAnti-Covid Measures


5-10 mins

Einfahrt Repteri Parkolo Budapest

Оцене клијената

Rated 4,7 based on 1572 рецензија

17. фебруар 2025.

Usluga je odlična, kada smo pozvali broj da dodju po nas na aeeodrom, stigli su za manje od 10 minuta

5 / 5
15. фебруар 2025.

5 / 5
12. фебруар 2025.

5 / 5
10. фебруар 2025.

5 / 5
20. јануар 2025.

5 / 5
13. јануар 2025.

5 / 5
8. јануар 2025.

5 / 5
8. јануар 2025.

Problemloser Flughafentransfer (Budapest), gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis

5 / 5
4. јануар 2025.

Glede parkirišča nimam pripomb. Imam pa glede enega izmed zaposlenih. Kljub temu, da je pisalo, da lahko ključ pustim ali vzamem s sabo, sva se z zaposlenim prerekala dobrih 5 minut, ker ključa nisem želela pustiti. Zatem je prišel sodelavec, ki je obema povedal, da če ključa ne želim pustiti, ga lahko vzamem. Nobeden ni znal angleško, tako, da smo se sporazumevali s pomočjo prevajalnika. Tudi plačala sva več, kot je bilo na računu. Ko sem želela omeniti še to, je povedal, da se strinja s tem, da ključ vzamem in smo morali iti.

5 / 5
4. јануар 2025.

5 / 5
14. децембар 2024.

5 / 5
7. децембар 2024.

5 / 5
25. новембар 2024.

Ich habe den Parkplatz nicht gefunden, leider!

2 / 5
22. новембар 2024.

5 / 5
13. новембар 2024.

5 / 5
6. новембар 2024.

5 / 5
6. новембар 2024.

4 / 5
5. новембар 2024.

5 / 5
5. новембар 2024.

The organization was not well planned, since we have been waiting on the transfer to airport for 30 minuts. The same problem arised when we returned. We payed for the transport to parking, but our drived was taken and he must picked us from the airport. So, the organization was no good and we did not get the service which we payed for.

4 / 5
5. новембар 2024.

5 / 5
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