Venice - Park & Ride - Uncovered
Z rezervacijo tega parkirišča prek ParkVia, si zagotovite najboljšo ceno!

4,8 / 5 (83)
Zavarovano parkirišče
Shuttle avtobus
Nadzorne kamere
Brezplačni prevoz
24 ur
Parkirišče na prostem
Transfer Duration
2 min
Transfer Frequency
Always available
Airport parking solution with Free Shuttle Transfer to and from the Venice Airport at a uniquely economical price and above all with quality guarantee.
- Opening hours: 24/7
- Transfer time to the airport: 2 Minutes
- Bus frequency: Always available
- Distance from the airport: 1km
- Your keys will be kept in the car park while you are travelling, they will only be used to move the vehicle in the event of reordering the car park or in the event of an emergency.
- All vehicles are covered by theft and fire insurance
- Fenced structure with electric gate and 24 hour guardian
- Qualified staff, always available and multilingual
- Additional car and refreshment services can be added and paid for conveniently on site
IMPORTANT: For vehicles larger than a regular car there will be an extra 50% (Camper-Vans 6mt) and an extra 125% for heavy vehicles of 18mt to be added to the total and to be paid directly on the spot.
Zemljevid parkirišča
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