Peste 4M de clienți extrem de mulțumiți
Garanția Celui Mai Bun Preț

Parking Barajas T1-T2

4,2 / 5 (1242)


  • Măsuri anti COVID Măsuri anti COVID
  • Parcare Auto Asigurată Parcare Auto Asigurată
  • Transfer cu autobuzul Transfer cu autobuzul
  • Camere de supraveghere Camere de supraveghere
  • Intrare cu barieră Intrare cu barieră
  • 24 de ore 24 de ore
  • Toaletă Toaletă
  • Sală de aşteptare Sală de aşteptare
  • Locuri pentru copii Locuri pentru copii
  • Asfaltat Asfaltat
  • Sistem de alarmă Sistem de alarmă
  • Gard împrejmuitor Gard împrejmuitor
  • Şoferi cu asigurare Şoferi cu asigurare
  • Fotografierea stării vehiculului Fotografierea stării vehiculului
  • Şoferi în uniformă Şoferi în uniformă
  • Păstraţi cheile maşinii Păstraţi cheile maşinii
  • Parcare dubiţă/autocar Parcare dubiţă/autocar
  • Vehicul incalzit Vehicul incalzit


Transfer Duration

5 min

Transfer Frequency

On demand

Brand new low cost, comfortable, secure, modern and quick car park with return transfers service to the T1 and T2 Madrid-Barajas Airport terminals.

How to use the service:

Free shuttle bus:Drive directly to the car park and drop off your vehicle: The car park staff will drive you to your departure terminal. On your return, the car park staff will pick you up at the airport and drive you to the car park.

The car park offers a free key holding service. In times of high occupancy, it is essential to leave your car keys. The car park will look after them along with your vehicle.

The minibus service from Parking Barajas makes the following stops:
Barajas Terminal 1 - Transit Time: 5 minutes.
Barajas Terminal 2 - Transit time: 6/7 minutes.
Parking T4 Barajas - No shuttle service
Customers who want to go to Terminal 4 at the Barajas airport, they will be transferred to Terminal 1, where they would be able to take the free shuttles that AENA provides, with a frequency of 5 minutes.
The frequency of departures to the airport from Parking Barajas is on demand from customers with a maximum waiting time of 15 minutes. The transfer service from Barajas Parking to the terminals starts at 4:00 am uninterrupted. Collection service of the clients in the terminals for their transfer to the Parking Barajas is 24h.
It´s not allowed vehicles longer than 5 meters.

Harta parcării auto

Ce spun clienții noștri despre parcarea de la Parking Barajas T1-T2.

Evaluată cu 4,2 din 5 pe baza a 1242 recenzii de la clienții care au rezervat la Parking Barajas T1-T2 cu noi.

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