Peste 4M de clienți extrem de mulțumiți
Garanția Celui Mai Bun Preț

Luton Long Stay Car Park

4,6 / 5 (729)


  • Măsuri anti COVID Măsuri anti COVID
  • Transfer cu autobuzul Transfer cu autobuzul
  • Camere de supraveghere Camere de supraveghere
  • Pază de noapte Pază de noapte
  • 24 de ore 24 de ore
  • Park Mark Award Park Mark Award
  • În aer liber În aer liber


Transfer Duration


Transfer Frequency


Lowest priced, on-site open air parking. Self-park and keep your keys. Free shuttle bus to the terminal and the car park is patrolled 24/7.

Parking Booking Bookings can be amended up to 24 hours before arrival. Car park fitted with ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) to improve your journey. Our Long Stay offers secure parking, with regular patrols by LLA and the Police.

Additional Information On arrival, please drive up to the entry barrier and press for a ticket. Take your ticket to raise the barrier and enter the car park. Remember to make a note of where you have parked. On your return, make your way to the exit barrier and insert the ticket you took on arrival. Providing you have not overstayed on your booking, the barrier will automatically raise. If any overstay fee is applicable, this will be displayed on the exit column and can be paid by either debit card or credit card at this point.

How can I modify or cancel my booking Should you need to cancel or amend your booking, you may do so by visiting 'Manage a booking'. If amended, your original booking will be cancelled, and a new one will be created. You will receive a cancellation email for the old booking, and an email for your new booking with a new order ID. Notice of your cancellation must be received at least 24 hours before the entry start date of your original booking in order to consider granting a refund. If you do not give the required advance notice as stated, no refund will be given.

Harta parcării auto

Ce spun clienții noștri despre parcarea de la Luton Long Stay Car Park.

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