Peste 4M de clienți extrem de mulțumiți
Garanția Celui Mai Bun Preț

Sky Parking Aerodrom - Shuttle

4,8 / 5 (22)


  • Măsuri anti COVID Măsuri anti COVID
  • Camere de supraveghere Camere de supraveghere
  • Transferuri gratuite Transferuri gratuite
  • 24 de ore 24 de ore
  • Securizat Securizat
  • Serviciu de transfer Serviciu de transfer
  • În aer liber În aer liber


Transfer Duration

5 min

Transfer Frequency

On demand

Parking is fenced, well-lit and protected by video surveillance 24/7. All their customers are provided with link that allows them to look at their vehicles live at any moment while they are parked at our parking lot.
Forget about taxi, asking friends/family for a ride and troubles with finding parking spots around the airport! For a travelers who use Belgrade airport, Sky Parking Aerodrom offers a parking spot at great location - only 3 minutes from the airport. You do not have to worry about how to reach the airport since the transfer to and from the airport is free. Secure your spot with Sky Parking Aerodrom.

Harta parcării auto

Ce spun clienții noștri despre parcarea de la Sky Parking Aerodrom - Shuttle.

Evaluată cu 4,8 din 5 pe baza a 22 recenzii de la clienții care au rezervat la Sky Parking Aerodrom - Shuttle cu noi.

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