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Cenas garantija

PR-KING P2 - Okecie North Multistory

Saņemiet Labāko Garantēto Cenu rezervējot šo automašīnu izmantojot ParkVia!

3 / 5 (14)


  • CCTV (videonovērošana) CCTV (videonovērošana)
  • Iebraukšanas barjera Iebraukšanas barjera
  • Nakts apsardze Nakts apsardze
  • Apgaismojums Apgaismojums
  • Tualete Tualete
  • Gudronēts ceļš Gudronēts ceļš
  • Perimetra žogs Perimetra žogs
  • Paturiet savas automašīnas atslēgas Paturiet savas automašīnas atslēgas
  • Daudzstāvu Daudzstāvu

PRKING P2 - Okecie North Multistory offers cheap parking near WAW Okencie airport without transfer.

PRKING P2 - Okęcie North Multi-storey is the ideal car park for anyone wishing to leave their car in a covered area.

The car park does not currently operate a shuttle service to the airport. We encourage you to use the nearby train station, buses or TAXI. Journey time to the airport is approximately 13-15 minutes.

The car park operates 24/7 and is equipped with a modern parking system with number plate reading. The fenced area has lights and CCTV cameras.

A paved surface is an added advantage.

The car park is located right next to a large shopping mall, where you can use the toilets or do your last shopping before your flight!

Auto Stāvvlaukumu karte

Ko mūsu klienti saka par auto novietošanu PR-KING P2 - Okecie North Multistory.

Novērtēts 3 no 5 balstoties uz 14 vērtējumiem no klientiem, kuri rezervēja stāvvietu PR-KING P2 - Okecie North Multistory izmantojot mūsu pakalpojumus.

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