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Silver Airport Parking - Park & Ride - Openair - Keep Keys

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Silver Airport Parking - Park & Ride - Openair - Keep Keys logo

Low cost and secure parking with CCTV and alarm system, free shuttle service at only 4 minutes from the airport. 24/7 opening time


Low Cost and secure airport parking solution at just 4 minutes from Liszt Ferenc International Airport;

Car park with Camera surveillance system and alarm system, free shuttle service service that runs 24/7, will take you to the airport in only 4 minutes.

  • Opening Hours - 24/7
  • Shuttle - On Demand, 4 mins
  • Keys - Take your car keys with you

Onsite: WIFI, Free Coffee and refreshment area, restroom and standard WCs

Guests have at their disposal a lobby/waiting room, our free minibus that runs around the clock without waiting, Wi-Fi, washroom and coffee maker.

Additional Information

This car park does not accept oversized vehicles.

The shuttle holds a maximum of 7 passengers


Þú munt fá bókunarskírteini sem inniheldur heimilisfang bílastæðisins og símanúmer, ásamt öllum viðeigandi leiðbeiningum og leiðum, þegar þú staðfestir bókunina þína. To view the location of the car park, please see the map on the website.


  • Tryggt bílastæðiTryggt bílastæði
  • AfgirtAfgirt
  • Veghindrun við innkeyrsluVeghindrun við innkeyrslu
  • NætureftirlitNætureftirlit
  • 24 klukkustundir24 klukkustundir
  • ÖruggtÖruggt
  • Geymdu bíllyklanaGeymdu bíllyklana


4 min

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