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Short Stay

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Belfast City Airport more popular parking option!

Short Stay Car Park bookings can be amended or cancelled online, free of charge, up to the Booked Arrival Time (the time and date you booked to enter the car park). This can be done through Manage Booking. Special Assistance Facilities Dedicated special assistance (Blue Badge Holders) bays and help button at barriers for assistance. Arrival and Departure Procedure The car park operates with Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras for all pre-book customers. If the ANPR does not work straight away, you may scan the QR code on your confirmation email. Car Park Security You won't need to leave your car keys with a stranger. You taken them with you for extra peace of mind. The car park is well lit, manned 24 hours and CCTV is in operation. Updating your registration If your vehicle has a different registration than the registration you provided when making your booking, you must amend your booking to reflect the new registration prior to your arrival at the car park. What if I need to extend my stay after my booking has begun? This is not possible online. We ask you to pay for any additional time at the ticket machines in the terminal or at the barriers upon leaving.


You will receive a booking voucher containing the car park's address and telephone number, along with any relevant instructions and directions, upon confirming your reservation. To view the location of the car park, please see the map on the website.


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