Official Car Park Train Station Málaga Maria Zambrano. Open 24 hours.
Located next to the train station and the main points of Málaga, our parking will be very useful. You will find it on the esplanade of the station and you can use it whenever you need to reach your destination. Equipped with the best services, our facilities will make your car park as easy as possible. You will have at your disposal our parking spaces to leave your vehicle there as long as you wish. An easy and safe way to park your car.
Indicacions de ruta
Una vegada es confirmi la seva reserva, rebrà un bo de confirmació amb l'adreça, el número de telèfon del pàrquing i qualsevol informació rellevant. Per veure la ubicació de l'aparcament, per favor vegi el mapa a la pàgina web.