Park And Wash - Low Cost Parking Lot at Treviso Airport
Z rezervacijo tega parkirišča prek ParkVia, si zagotovite najboljšo ceno!

4,7 / 5 (76)
Ukrepi proti COVIDU-19
Parkirišče na prostem
Low-Cost Parking Lot Uncovered just 300 mt of sidewalk from the terminal and car wash on demand on site for a tiny extra!
- Near the airport: it's 3 min of sidewalk to the terminal
- Uncovered parking lot
- Open from 06:35 am until 10:30 pm
- Car wash service by request
On arrival at the car park customers park their vehicle in the reception area.The vehicle will then be parked by car park staff in the allocated parking space. On their return, Customers will find their vehicle waiting to be picked up in the reception area.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: car keys must be leave at the park for security reasons and a better organization of the service. Car won't be driven outside of the park.
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