Rated 4,83 based on 48 Recensioni
Excellent, with excellent host and service
I need to pay twice
I had very bad experience regarding the payment, once the parking was done I was charged by airport parking 25770 kr and after I filed the complaint and provided them with the voucher from your company they told me that I could have booked parking only through Isavia which is the owner of the airport parking. So I would kindly ask you to resolve the situation or reimburse me the amount I paid you.
just a few minutes wait for drop off and pickup. Very good.
Great service - will definitely come again!
Very nice
Fyrsta skipti semég notaði Parkvia… Algjör snilld. Keyrður og sóttur og keyrt upp að mínum bíl + frabær þjónusta hjá bílstjórunum. Var í helgaferð 😎👍🏼
Muito satisfeito 😁, tive problema com as rodas que tinham ficado bloqueadas por causa do frio e fui ajudado pelo funcionário até ficar o carro a andar. Muito obrigado 🙏 recomendo 👌
Hef notað þjónustu carpark nokkrum sinnum og gengið eins og í sögu :)
Highly recommended. very friendly and just as advertised
ALL Perfect 🩷
Very professional service, will definitely use their service again.