Parking Larga Estancia AENA Santiago Airport
4 / 5 (86)
- Insured Car Park
- Shuttle bus
- Undercover
- 24 Hour
- Secure
- Height Restriction
- Transfer Available
Transfer Frequency
15 min
The official parking at Santiago-Rosalía de Castro Airport guarantees you the best service at the most competitive price. Save time and money.
The long-stay car park at Santiago-Rosalía de Castro Airport is the best option for parking your vehicle while on holiday or a long trip. It connects with the passenger terminal through a free shuttle bus service with a frequency of 15 minutes from 05:00 to 00:30 every day of the year. Outside these hours, access must be done on foot through an uncovered path (20 minutes).
Available for stays of over five days, unless entry is from Thursday to Sunday, in which case the minimum duration will be 2 days.
- Open 24 hours
- Official car park located on-site
- Shuttle bus service runs from 05:00 to 00:30, every 15 min
- 15-minute walk
- ANPR technology
Height restriction: 2.5 m
The number plate that appears on the booking and that of the vehicle you enter in must be the same in order for your booking to be valid.
Entering the car park
Your number plate will be identified and linked to your reservation.
It is not necessary to press any buttons, the ticket will be issued automatically.
When you collect your ticket, make sure your booking localizer and number plate are printed on it.
Park your vehicle in any space of the reserved car park and enjoy your trip.
Leaving the car park
If you have not stayed longer than the booked stay time, you can go straight to the exit as there is no need to go to the cash machine.
If you have stayed longer than the booked stay time, pay for the extra time at the cash machine.