Вътрешен паркинг, отворен 24 часа с потсигурен автобусен трансфер на връщане до летище София.
Как да използвате услугата:
потсигурен автобусен транспорт Карате директно към паркинга и оставате вашия автомобил. Персонала на паркинга ще ви закара до терминал заминаващи. На връщане, персонала на паркинга ще ви вземе от летището и ще ви закара обратно до паркинга.
Вие ще получите ваучер за резервация съдържащ адрес и телефонен номер на парка колата, заедно с всички указания и насоки, при потвърждение на резервацията.
За да видите местоположението на паркинга, моля вижте мапата на сайта.
1 минута
On our way back, when we arrived at the airport, I called the hotel for the shuttle. The recepcionist was almost rude and gave us no exact directions where to wait the shuttle firstly, and after said near the OK taxis. I called her once more, asking where the shuttle is, after she said "some minutes" and we were waiting more than 40 minutes on the freezing weather outside. The driver did not call us to check our location and i saw him dropping off some persons. I was running to catch him, because he would not come and take us at all. The driver was not able to answer me what was happening as I asked him why it took him so long. Due to that experience, I got sick of the severe cold. It was the second time I am using Premier hotel services and it will be the last. With IBIS hotel, that I have been using mostly, i have never had such problems!
This is the best parking in airport Sofia!
everything is fine
You do not issue invoices for Legal Entities, even though I requested one many times by email. I will file a report to the National Revenue Agency about this!